Mulan - Declined

The Chinese government has been using the release of the live action Mulan film to promote their reign, and the unspeakably vile laws and policies they enforce. The people of Hong Kong have been standing against this wave of evil for years and paying with their lives. The original animated Mulan was one of the best Disney movies of the hand-drawn era, and I had high hopes that the live-action remake would do it justice. But the Chinese government has tied this film to the hundreds of thousands of innocent people that they have slaughtered.

I will not see Mulan. I will not review Mulan.

I stand against China.

I stand with Hong Kong.

Zombieland: Double Tap - Declined

I haven’t gotten around to seeing Zombieland 2, despite my praise of the original. I think the trailer proves they’re out of ideas and are just making this movie as a cash grab. The jokes are eye-rollingly lame and the plot looks as contrived as it gets, with forced plot points that don’t come about naturally but are reduced to an exercise in blunt force drama. If you thought the trailer looked fun, then by all means please enjoy. But for myself, I’ll probably review it when it comes out on Netflix or Red Box.

Autumn Update

With Thanksgiving around the corner we have moved solidly on into Fall. Our card layout editor has been taken ill so we have transitioned to another graphic designer to complete the project. Look for the Apocalypse Rising Kickstarter before Christmas, and game printing early next year!

So many movies that have come out over the last several months have been real disappointments, so our number of older movie reviews has grown. Check out our backlog for a movie recommendation you may have missed!

Mid-August Update

The artwork for Apocalypse Rising has been completed, and now we're finishing the card and rulebook layout. After that it's on to printing prototypes and setting up the Kickstarter page. The launch is in sight!

We also just got Monster Hunter World, so keep an eye out for potential streaming of that game as well as Fortnite. We may just keep playing Sea of Thieves, though, because it's just that much fun :)